Individual Therapy


Individual Therapy for Women in Science and tech

You've always been drawn to complexity and understanding how the world around you works. Life is a fascinating puzzle, and you've always been a puzzle-solver. You harnessed this curiosity to work your ass off in school, and now you have a great career to show for it. You know your stuff, and you are deepening your skills and knowledge in your job every day. Sure, there are times when it's hard - your job is stressful, and often you're one of the only women in the room, but you can handle it - you can survive. What's one more puzzle to solve? You're up for the challenge.

But then why does it feel like things are just not OK?

You hardly want to acknowledge it, but there are moments when frantic or dark feelings rise up - maybe it's anxiety, a deep sadness, or feelings of agitation or heaviness in your body. You might find yourself flooded with confusing emotions during an uncomfortable situation at work, or being angry and irritable with your partner, when what you really want is for them to come close. You feel so confident when you're coding or solving an integral, but you're faltering when it comes to trusting and becoming vulnerable in relationships. Suddenly, “just surviving” doesn’t feel like it’s enough.

If you're brutally honest with yourself, you have some ideas about where these emotions come from. You tensely watched the Me Too movement unfold, and started to remember some pieces of the puzzle that you have not thought about for years. What you always assumed were "normal" things about your family are now striking you as really unhealthy. As you’ve gained time and distance from these events, you are starting to realize that it was not OK. Surviving felt like enough at the time, but now you are older and stronger, and part of you knows:

You are yearning to not just to survive, but to THRIVE!

But you’re not sure how to get there. You’ve tried endlessly googling things, you’ve tried that self-help audio book, you’ve tried distracting yourself with video games. These things help for a while, but they don’t feel like they’re addressing the root problem. You are coming to the realization that maybe this puzzle can't be solved on your own - you need some help seeing the pieces more clearly.

You are in the right place - and you don’t have to do this alone!

I have been working with women and survivors of adversity for years, and specialize in resolving past trauma or adverse experiences.

As a former Ecologist and the daughter, sister, and partner of S.T.E.M. professionals, I understand the unique challenges that women in science face. I use science to inform my practice, and use techniques that are evidence-based, meaning that they have been researched and shown to be effective in addressing the root causes of my client’s pain.

Ready to dig in?

Therapy is not easy - it takes dedication, time, and energy. But you've learned that things of value and complexity don't get built overnight. You can do hard things, and I think you're up for the challenge!

I offer free 20-min phone consultations so I can get an idea of what is bothering you, answer your questions, and decide if we think my approach would be a good fit for you.

If you're ready to invest in yourself the way you've kicked ass with that science degree…..

Contact me for your free phone consultation!